Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wedding Day!

Recently, the Philippine Summer Teams visited a church on our island. After worshipping, praying, and sharing a meal, the pastor invited us to attend his daughter’s wedding. Having never been to a Filipino wedding before, we agreed!

This past week, all three Philippine Summer Teams converged on this wedding. We had met the bride and groom a few times but did not know them well. Nevertheless, we were welcomed as if we were family. We began in the church’s sanctuary for the ceremony before heading to the barangay’s basketball gym for the reception. In total, the wedding lasted over six hours! 

The reception began with a time of worship led by the newlyweds. Americans and Filipinos stood alongside one another declaring the goodness of God in both English and Cebuano. 

I was in awe at how prevalent the Lord was during this day. They intentionally made time to sing worship songs to the Lord during their reception and they prayed dozens of times!” 
Philippine Summer Team C
After a few speeches from the families, we enjoyed a traditional Filipino meal. The teams ate and celebrated the new couple before calling it a night and heading back to our respective barangays. 

It felt a lot more Christ centered than American weddings and that says a lot about how much a Christ centered relationship is valued here

This experience was one that our teams will remember for a long time!