Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Philippine Summer: Team A

Traveling to our island from Nehemiah Team training took 48 hours: We flew to Manila, took a prop plane two hours south, and then rode on a boat for 1 hour to reach the island. From there we have a 30-minute tricycle ride to the barangay (village) we are staying. We got settled in the next day. The people here have already been so nice to us, allowing us to stay in their community hall, they helped us move in and even set up a kitchen for us. 

We set out on Saturday morning for our first day of ministry. The first house we passed with people outside invited us in. We have been able to have a backyard Bible club with the kids of the village, teaching them different Bible stories & songs, and sharing the Gospel with them. 

We have also had many Bible studies with the adults. These usually come about by us following up a gospel conversation we have had, but some have been spontaneous and happen without any planning. Some have seen us passing by and invite us in to have Bible study!

Tatay M and his family
In the case of Tatay M, he was listening to a Bible story we were sharing with the kids. He came up to one of the team members during the story & started asking why we were there and what we believed. When he learned that we were there to proclaim Jesus & His gospel, he was very eager to ask us questions about the Bible. After talking to him for a while he said he wanted to follow Jesus! Since then, we have had a Bible study in his house and plan to do more.

We have many more Bible studies in the barangay plus prayer walking & playing with the kids in the community gym. 

Prayer requests:
  • Pray the Lord would draw people close to Himself. 
  • Pray the Holy Spirit will make Himself real to them & they wouldn't be confused by other false religions
  • Pray for our team to stay encouraged.
Until next week,
Philippine Summer Team A