Saturday, June 22, 2024

Planting Seeds Through Stories

One Wednesday, we went to an ice cream shop with the goal of building a relationship and sharing the good news of Jesus. We spent an hour talking, laughing, sharing stories, eating ice cream, and enjoying each other’s company. Then, with our goal in mind, we transitioned into an evangelism picture game that our supervisors taught us.
The game consisted of approximately 40 pictures that captured everyday moments or experiences in life. We laid out the pictures on the table and first asked the question, “What picture tells a story of your childhood?” Everyone would choose a photo from the pile and take turns explaining their answer. The process would repeat with a few more questions, finishing with “What photo tells a story about your view of who God is?” This opened up opportunities to share testimonies and explain the gospel.

And that’s exactly what we did!

The five girls were engaged in the game as we took turns sharing stories about our lives. When it came to the last question, we shared how Jesus changed our lives and how we find true happiness in Him. I also shared 3 Circles to expound on what it means to turn from sin and accept Jesus as our Lord. 

Though no one responded to the gospel, seeds was planted!

It was hard to not walk away discouraged, but we were reminded that the Spirit of God is the one who transforms hearts. We get to joyfully participate in the ministry God has given us by proclaiming the gospel, trusting that He will complete the work of making His name known among all nations. 

Please pray for the girls we spent time with. Pray they will remember the spiritual things we talked about & want to know more.

-Asia Creative Team