Friday, June 14, 2024

We Plant The Seed, God Produces The Harvest

We had our last Bible study in the afternoon at the barangay hall where we were staying. We had gone house to house earlier that day, inviting people to come for our last Bible study and to join us to meet Pastor F, a local national who will be following up on the spiritual seeds that have been planted.  

One of the biggest steps in ministry that we were able to establish was a nightly Bible study, where we read God’s Word, shared the gospel, and worked on mobilizing the believers there to grow in their confidence in continuing to share God’s Word with one another. 

Our team has noticed that we seemed to bond in a special way with the people of that barangay— and we have come to love them as our family. 

Though it is so hard to step away and not be around to see the fruit of our labor, we are so grateful for the sacrifice and dedication of local pastors and missionaries like Pastor F who are going to continue to cultivate what has been planted. One of those ways is through his commitment to continuing a weekly Bible study with this group.

It was sweet to gather in fellowship and the breaking of bread (rice, cassava with coconut milk, and roasted papaya!) with those who had been regularly attending, and those who came to say goodbye to us. 

A lesson our team has talked about in our morning team times is how it is often in absence that growth is seen. Although we would love to continue being in that barangay, we have already heard from many that we bonded with that they have been reading their Bibles in the time that they would have been spending with us, or as a source of comfort as they engage in a new chapter of life, like moving away to the city for college. 

Prayer requests: 

  • That Pastor F would be able to continue with wisdom and the power of the Holy Spirit as he continues the Bible study we started, and that the people would continue coming and encouraging each other in their knowledge of Him.
  • That God would raise up a body of believers that are transformed by the gospel and the power of God’s Word, and that their barangay would be known for their love for Christ and the comfort and hope they find in the Bible and relationship with Him. 
  • That our hearts and theirs would be drawn to find comfort and peace in Christ as we miss the people we bonded with so closely, and trust that our Lord and Savior who loves them more than we will work in their hearts according to His will to bring about their salvation. 


Rural Healthcare
