Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Delivery: One Filipino Baby Boy!

Want to come help deliver a baby? 

I froze. A part of me freaked out. I thought “um, ME?! help deliver a baby? a real, living and breathing thing? You’ve gotta be talking to someone else. I don’t even know how to hold a baby...” 

The midwife at the community’s free pregnancy clinic, where my team and I have the opportunity to serve in the mornings, was most definitely asking for our help.  

So we packed up equipment I had no idea how to use or even what the names of the instruments were, and off we ran (literally) into a local squatter area.  

Once we arrived, the baby had just been born, was not breathing, and there looked to be a giant bloody blister on the top of his head. Inside the one-room, cramped, squatter home, Courtney helped assist the midwife with the check up and removing fluid from the baby’s lung. I sat outside and prayed for the baby.

Courtney with Baby JayJay
Soon, the baby was crying and cooing and breathing! The next step was to figure out what the bloody blister was on his head. We took pictures which the midwife texted to someone else. Thankfully, we soon came to know, that it was only a birthmark that was not quite fully developed! Immediately I began praising God for this little miracle, and simply for the opportunity to be able to witness it. 

I tended to the mother and the father graciously served us 4 cups of lemon water, 2 bowls of rice, and pork neck (supposedly a delicacy?—He was so proud!) at 10:27 am. Once Courtney & I thanked the family and left, we began our trek back home. What a beautiful morning it had been—truly a witnessed miracle!  

The Lord began to speak to me, reminding me of Whose I am. Just as that baby was born with a birthmark, Christ crucified brought about the same thing. I am marked with a deposit, the Holy Spirit!

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”  -Ephesians 1:13-14 

Toria holding Baby JayJay
Praise be to the Lamb who has marked me as His.

Welcome to the world, JayJay Jose Seda! May you grow up into a man after God’s own heart.
