One month down and one more to go. It is hard to imagine that it has already been about a month since we arrived here in Honduras. It seems as if we have been here for so much more yet at the same time it seems as if it was yesterday that we arrived.
Today we returned from our third trip to our villages. We will be heading to the northern part of the country for some time to spend time with the coastal locals. We hope to present the gospel and God's love to these people some of which have never heard it before. Some of these places are quite remote so pray that God will guide us and open up doors so we may minister in His name and love.
The village experiences were once again very fruitful but exhausting. One can tell that the team is drained and needs strength that can only be provided by rest, which there is not much time to do so, and Gods power. Pray that we will continue to trust Him and that He may provide strength for the group.
In the village we have already grown accustomed to their life style and are building strong relationships with the people. It is also quite encouraging to return to these homes and hear news about how the medical supply or help provided have worked out great and given positive results. Some households lack basic medical necessities and thanks to God we have been able to provide many of these necessities.
It is always good to walk back into the village and see familiar faces with smiles on their faces and know that we are more then welcomed. Pray that doors will continue to open for opportunities not only to love on others but to teach and spread the gospel.
In Christ,
Honduras Healthcare Team