Thursday, July 4, 2013

I am blessed

I feel extremely blessed to be in Seoul, South Korea. I live in an apartment with three of the girls from Heavenly Dream school. They are sweet and always eager to help me. I feel blessed by being able to work with these students. Every morning at school the students come up the stairs and tell me good morning with a smile on their faces. It is easy for me to forget the difficult lives these students come from. Their faces shine with the joy that comes with knowing Christ. As for the students who have yet to put their faith in Christ , they are the ones which remain constant in my prayers. 

The other week we were asked to lead the weekly chapel here at the school. We had the chance to lead worship in English and Korean and share our testimonies. We were so blessed to have been able to share what Christ has done in our lives. 

All these students have become like siblings to me. From getting ice cream and hanging out at the local convenience store to helping them with homework, I have come to build relationships with and love these students I am here to serve.
