The Heartweavers team has had a good start in Chaing Mai.
It has not been an easy task, but we know God is faithful and have seen Him
work in our hearts and the hearts of others. We work nine hour shifts at a group foster home three days a
week, caring for 11 children ages 0-5 years old. The foster home allows aupairs
to train at the home and we have become friends with some of them. All the
aupairs are Buddhist, but we have had the opportunity to share Christ with
them. Some are interested and have many questions. Pray that we would be faithful to share with them as we have opportunity.
Two days a week we teach English and Bible stories at a
massage parlor in a local district. We have seen desperation, brokenness,
and helplessness. Our prayer is for the Gospel to transform the hearts of the
people we meet.
Other days we go into the district to build
relationships and share the Gospel. We have had the blessing of sharing the
Gospel, our testimonies, and to make friendships. Pray for fruit that will remain as we share the good news.