Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dwelling Place

Mexico is a place filled with beautiful Catholic temples -- they fill the streets and draw in many tourists. Even the smaller villages boast some elaborate temples.

Surrounded by so many places of worship, yet at many times void of true surrender to the Lord, I was struck by this passage in Acts 17 where Paul speaks before the Athenians. 

"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else." (NIV)

This passage and the environment we are surrounded by inspired me to make this photo and write this poem. 

Grand buildings, beautiful temples,
We've built them all for you to dwell in,
So where have you gone, O Father?

We long to see you be with us again,
Stand by us and walk beside us,
Touching our cheeks with the tip of your finger. 

Why haven't you returned for your children?
Is our praise not what you wanted?
Are our sacrifices not pleasing to your sight?

We scramble separately in disarray,
Hoping to conjure up something worthy of your presence,
Perhaps a tower to reach the sky or a stained-glass palace.

If only we could hear your soft voice calling in the night,
"I do not live in temples built by man,
nor am I served by human hands."

What then can we do, O God?
Is there anything that can satisfy your justice,
And fan the fire of your mercy?

Perhaps you desire a different dwelling place,
One that cannot be seen by the human eye,
And dwells within our very hearts.