Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SE Asia Ex & Ev Heading Out!

Today, the two four-man teams of Ex & Ev are splitting ways, each heading to our respective locations. After several days of in-country training, we have been deemed as ready as we'll ever be to leave the nest. The local m's have been so very gracious to us and have done nothing but pour into us this week.

As far as team dynamics go, I couldn't be happier with our team. The eight of us have bonded and grown close since arriving at team training. Father has been good in blessing our relationships, growing us closer to each other as we pursue Him.

We will be going out for a few weeks, back for a week, then out for a couple more weeks, followed by some time of work in a big city.

As we venture out, please pray for the members of both teams: the team of Samson, Nick, Carlito, and Sheldon, as well as the team of Stevie, Bobby, Jeremiah, and Eli. 

Pray that:
  • Each of our wills become more and more like Father's every day. 
  • That we make ourselves vessels for his honorable use and service. 
  • That the people we encounter are receptive of the good news, and that the HS works wonders in the hearts and lives of all. 
Please pray for encouragement for the local m's and cp's, as it is very difficult to see the fruit of their labor. These people have been so hospitable and have built us up in every way!

Eli and the SEA Team

"...'The Lord watch between you and me, when we are out of one anothers sight'."  -Gen 31:49