Friday, June 14, 2013

Within the Village

Waking up in a friend's home near your house can be strange. Waking up in a random Honduran family's home, however, is just plain disorienting. Sometimes I wake up in Honduras, forgetting where I am and what I'm doing here. It takes a few minutes to get re-adjusted, but then I get to relive the fact that I'm carrying out my dream: traveling across the globe with friends, sleeping on random dirty floors, and spreading the life-saving gospel to all who will listen. I woke up this morning very disoriented, but then I remembered. I remembered the elderly lady who prayed to accept Christ after years of her family trying to convert her. I remembered all the children running out of the school and tackling our team, asking us why we were here and getting to tell them about the love of Jesus. I remembered conquering the mountain on which this village rests and looking out into the distance to see God's glory revealed. I remembered the abuela, or grandmother, that was sick on day one and healed by day three. I remembered, and I relished the fact. I am full of joy. We are where we need to be.

Pray that God will continue to shine his power and that His glory may be seen during our time here and even after we leave. He is moving and it leaves us speechless to see His glory shine through these villages. We share the good news that once more another name has been added to the book of life. Martina, 87 years old, decided to make the most important decision of her life, she took Christ as her Lord and Savior. She now walks in God's path and perfect plan. Please continue to pray for continual blessing upon these villages and the people who live in them. 

Martina, 87
At the village school

Through the village roads

With much love,
Honduras Healthcare team