Thursday, June 27, 2013

Liter of Light

In one of our nearby villages, the houses are made out of the cheapest material possible: flimsy siding and metal slated roofs.

The village resembles a typical slum or shantytown and because most of the siding doesn't have windows and the roof cannot allow for holes (it is rain season after all here), most families are without light in their homes. This can prevent them from doing things we often take for granted in America, like having house guests or even reading the Bible inside. 

However, there is a project called "Liter of Light" that we are trying to implement in this community to provide the light they need in their homes. 

Check out this video for more information:

In essence, the project is to create light bulbs out of soda bottles filled with water, since the sunlight with transmit through the water and refract through it, creating an abundance of light. However, the challenge lies in how to implement this on a mass scale and how to install the light without creating holes for water to seep through. 

We began the other day assembling necessary materials for the project and doing a trial run to see what obstacles could arise. While we are a while away from being able to implement this project in the village, we got a lot of beneficial information and most of the materials. We hope to be able to implement the project in at least one home in a week or two. 
  • Pray that God would provide us wisdom and discernment in this project. 
  • Pray that the families in the village would be wiling and eager to be a part of it.