Tuesday, July 4, 2017

More Joy in Heaven

The Lord is working in northern Thailand!

Our English classes (which are held at massage parlors downtown) are in full swing. My teammate Kenzie and I have been teaching a group of ladies since our first full week here, and we have been thrilled to see them improve their English and also hear God's Word - some of them for the first time.

We use a story Bible (one is read in English, and one of our students will read it in Thai), and the women enjoy the illustrations that go with each story.

This past week we taught on the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. We explained that all of Christ's life and ministry was leading up to this moment, when He would take on the punishment we deserved so that we could be restored in relationship with Him. We shared how His resurrection proved victory over sin and death.

After we share each story from Scripture, we ask some questions:
"Do you understand?"
"What do you think about this story?"
"Have you heard this before?"

One of our students, Su, responded: "I have never heard this before. I had heard of Jesus, but I didn't know why He had to die. I didn't know He rose from the dead and that He is still living."

After we explained a little more about what it means to be in relationship with Christ, Su said that she wanted to follow Jesus! We look forward to sharing more about God's Word with her in the weeks to come.

Here are things you can be praying for:
  • Pray for our English classes: pray that our students will receive the words of the Bible as truth and that they would respond in faith
  • Continue to pray for opportunities to talk with people open to hearing the Gospel message (my team is really thankful that we have seen this prayer answered every week!) - also pray for focus and limited distractions while we are sharing
  • Pray for our friends who have heard the gospel and want to know more. Pray that we will continue to proclaim the gospel and that the Lord would soften their hearts to receive the truth

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7