Monday, July 3, 2017

A Prayer for Cambodia

"Oh, I pray that I may be faithful and not mind about the success." - Rosetta Hall, missionary to Korea from 1890-1933

Lord, please let us be Your instruments to bring the Gospel to Cambodia. Let us be willing in every circumstance and obedient to each stirring. Help us to always be bold and intentional. Unify us, whatever it takes. Save Cambodia, whatever it takes. I pray that the amazing, redemptive story of faith in South Korea will also be true of Cambodia one day. And if we only scatter seeds without seeing any fruit, let us not be disheartened but instead diligent in prayer for these people who are loved by You. Oh Lord, let them see that love! Let them feel it; make it real to them. Make it so undeniably clear to them that they simply MUST turn to You in repentance and submission. And use the six of us however You see fit. I love You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
